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First Impressions Count

August 6, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

First Impressions Count

You can visit the Work Ready Careers Fair to browse, mingle, participate in workshops and work on your job application. There’s no pressure or expectations, but it is also an excellent opportunity to meet potential employers and build your network.

Think of it as one big job interview in the sense that at any moment you could have an opportunity to chat to someone who could be giving you your next job. Most of the employers attending have vacancies advertised on CareerHub right now and many have vacation programs that can lead straight into graduate employment. Everyone’s relaxed and up for a chat, but don’t underestimate how valuable your next conversation could be.

Here are our top tips for making a great first impression:

  1. Be mindful of your presentation. You don’t need to dress formally at all, but you may want to wear something ‘smart casual’ so you feel confident and comfortable talking to potential employers.
  2. Do some research. All the employers attending have a profile that gives you a summary of what they do, what they offer and what they’re looking for. Go into a conversation with some background knowledge and interesting questions and you’ll get mega brownie points.
  3. Manage your body language. Your handshake, eye contact, posture and facial expressions will say a lot about you. We love Mind Tools’ advice on body language and first impressions.
  4. Listen. Sometimes nerves can cause us to get distracted or talk uncontrollably! Whoever your talking to, give them your full attention and actively listen to make sure you get the most from the situation.
  5. Smile. The Work Ready Careers Fair is all about enjoying your experience, try to be open and friendly and we’re sure you’ll have an awesome time.

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