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Postgrad Careers Focus: Preparing for the Australian Workplace

May 2, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Postgrad Careers Focus: Preparing for the Australian Workplace

Do you think there are any challenges to gaining Australian work experience or employment?

If so, what strategies will help you overcome those barriers?

This interactive program is aimed at students who would like to know more about the Australian workplace as they seek to gain work experience or employment. The program will help students to identify and reduce barriers to employment and develop career management skills. The workshop covers networking, Australian workplace culture and communication in the workplace.

This session does not cover job application skills, nor are students placed in employment after completion. Students are encouraged to register for these workshops if they want to gain a better understanding of what Australian employers are looking for in the recruitment process.

For full details and registration, please visit CareerHub, spots are limited!

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